Bedroom Living Room In One

Bedroom Living Room In One

Unfortunately, not every family has such a spacious apartment that rooms in it can be assigned only one specific function. That is, the child will be exclusively child's, dining room - dining room, cabinet - cabinet, etc. Small areas of this clearly will not allow, so the owners of such housing often have to take forced steps and combine incompatible. Have you ever wondered how to combine a living room and a bedroom, a dining room and a kitchen or a kitchen and an anteroom? But this is quite possible to do, and make it so that the unified space will be really organic, cozy and comfortable. If the owners have the choice of which functionaries to combine in the arrangement of the apartment, then most often in this "alteration" fall into the living room and bedroom.

how to combine living room and bedroom

bed built-in niche

The main task, in this case, successfully combine several functional zones on the available area. In such a room must appear:

  1. Corner for sleep and rest.
  2. Wardrobe.
  3. Work zone.
  4. Place for the reception of guests.

If the layout of your apartment does not allow you to think of anything else, as soon as you combine two completely different zones in one of the rooms, try to avoid discomfort in the room and keep the interior harmonious. For this there are many tricks and tricks. What just do not go to the designers to help the owners more comfortable to settle in the limited space of their home! Let's see how they manage to combine living room and bedroom with minimal loss of comfort.

how to combine living room and bedroom

partition dividing the living room and bedroom


  • 1 Features of the joint "living" of the living room and bedroom
  • 2 How to combine a drawing room and a bedroom: features of a lay-out
  • 3 The subtleties of zoning living room-bedroom
  • 4 Variants of division of a combined room into zones
    • 4.1 Wall classic
    • 4.2 Partitions
    • 4.3 Furniture
    • 4.4 Podiums
    • 4.5 Style and color palette
    • 4.6 A game of shadows
  • 5 We decorate the living room-bedroom
  • 6 Photo gallery - how to combine a drawing room and a bedroom:

Features of the joint "living" of the living room and bedroom

The easiest way to solve the problem of uniting a bedroom and a living room on a common territory is to furnish the room with multifunctional furniture. Folding armchairs and sofas become irreplaceable objects. However, their appearance does not always suit the hosts. Of course, furniture of this design miraculously saves space, and in terms of aesthetics, there are no complaints against it. It allows you to organize just two different functional zones on several squares. In the afternoon the corner will appear in the image of the living room, and at night it will be transformed into a bedroom.

As you understand, for this you will have to regularly perform a number of manipulations. They will require both time and effort, and this does not suit everyone. Special inconvenience is experienced by people who are always in a hurry, who do not have the opportunity to practice disassembly and assembly of furniture. It makes sense for them to forget about the daily rituals of transformation and prefer it to competent zoning. There is a whole complex of techniques telling how to combine the living room and the bedroom, when using which the composition will inevitably turn out to be one, and the objects present in the interior will not interfere with each other.

how to combine living room and bedroom

folding bed, hiding in a niche in the interior of the living room

The furniture market, however, like building materials, is unlikely to stop the flight of your imagination. Finding compact objects for a complex interior is easy. These things, besides the fact that they occupy a minimum of space, also have high functionality.

Living room-bedroom is very practical to make out in a minimalist style. In the decor, you can add several original elements that would reflect the identity of the owner. On such combined meters it is better not to place bulky furniture, inherent in classicism. Lusche remains modest in everything. On the wallpaper and curtains should not appear large drawings. From furniture, objects with a minimum of decor and without the pomp of shapes are preferable. Solving the problem of how to combine a living room and a bedroom, remember that it is more correct to leave walls more solid. As decorations on them can be present photos or pictures. Dullness in the environment will help to avoid bright accessories.

how to combine living room and bedroom

Wooden partition for dividing the living room into a leisure and sleep zone

One more thing. The bedroom is treated as a zone of relaxation and rest, so try to make it non-stop. But in general, the living room-bedroom simply requires the presence of light structures, a harmonious combination of colors and a clear delimitation of space. The room should be convenient to use. To achieve this, you need to think about how many people will be constantly based in the room, how often it will have to receive guests, and to what extent. Do not throw aside your hobby. For your favorite activities in the room, too, must find a corner.

How to combine a drawing room and a bedroom: features of a lay-out

While designing bedroom living room, you need to know what specific goal you are pursuing in this case: isolating each zone or, on the contrary, "dissolving" them into each other.

how to combine living room and bedroom

The use of curtains to separate the living room and bedroom

In the latter case, the whole problem will be solved by purchasing a successful model of a folding sofa, which will be the main subject of the situation. When it is spread out, it will transform the space into a sleeping room, having collected a sofa, you will again give the interior an officiality, and the room will be perceived as a living room. It's kind of simple and convenient, but in practice it meets the needs of a few. Why? Well, first of all, because not everyone enjoys the daily exercises for assembling and unfolding the sofa, and secondly the sofa does not belong to comfortable beds, even if it is of the highest quality. More than once there will be another question: how to combine the living room and the bedroom, so as not to become a permanent "hostage to the situation"? What are we talking about? Let's say you have time to lie down for a rest, but someone is already sitting on the couch. It is clear that the place "to lie down" automatically disappeared.

Not inspiring? So, it's time to get acquainted with other options for zoning space.

how to combine living room and bedroom

Curtains of yarn serve to separate the living room and bedroom

The subtleties of zoning living room-bedroom

In fact, the bedroom is a quiet and truly private space for the owners of the apartment, where casual visitors and guests are frankly superfluous. The living room is an active space. This is a great place for meetings, gatherings, receptions. What does it say? Only that, according to the logic of things, the most secluded and impenetrable corner of the room, which is maximally removed from the interior door and is outside the course of the incoming traffic, should be assigned to the sleeping area.

How to combine the independent space of the living room and bedroom in the area of ​​one room? This can be done in two cases:

  1. With a constructive alteration.

    how to combine living room and bedroom

    Example of using a plasterboard partition to separate the living room and bedroom space

Such an alteration is possible:

  • If the room is sufficiently elongated;
  • If you are ready for minor construction renovations;
  • If the room is rich in a wall with two windows.
  1. With decorative finishing.

In this case, the space is visually divided into fragments. Everything must be done so thinly, so as not to disturb the sense of unity and integrity of the situation.

And do not let it bother you that the area of ​​one zone can exceed the size of the other. Create a comfortable bedroom and a cozy living room can be and on four or five squares, conventionally allocated from the common room.

how to combine living room and bedroom

Use of a through shelf to separate zones

Variants of division of a combined room into zones

Wall classic

What is the easiest way to combine a living room and a bedroom? Naturally, having lifted the monumental walls. This method is the most cardinal and laborious. The technique can only be used in spacious rooms, with sufficient areas and subject to the presence of at least a couple of windows in them. Separation walls can be erected:

  1. From foam concrete.
  2. Brick.
  3. Gas silicate blocks.
  4. Drywall.
  5. Particleboards.
  6. Gypsum fiber blocks.
  7. Glass blocks.

The latter material can be very interesting in the interior solution. Such walls will serve as a source of light, and decoration.

how to combine living room and bedroom

zone division of the living room with furniture and a niche in which the bed is built


"A decent answer to the question of how to combine the living room and the bedroom will be mobile partitions"

Zoning a large room will help light partitions. Their design can be continuous and have the appearance of a classical wall (in such a wall, doors and windows may appear) or incomplete, shortened. Incomplete partitions do not rest against the wall, leaving passages, and short partitions do not rest against the ceiling. As incomplete partitions can act:

  1. Arches.
  2. Columns.
  3. Openings.

You can also divide the room with vertical pillars, which are set at an equal distance. In the space between the pillars, if desired, you can enter figured plasterboard or wooden arches. Nice there will be and lattice partitions.

how to combine living room and bedroom

A wide arch functionally delimits the space of the living room and bedroom

A decent answer to the question of how to combine the living room and the bedroom will be mobile partitions. They help to instantly change the appearance of the room and add diversity to its interior. Most often the lamellae of the screen are covered with a cloth, covered with wood or glazed. By design, such screens can be folded accordion, like blinds or have the form of a screen. The colors and textures of the partitions can be very diverse. Portable screens can be found ready-made or custom made. It is not difficult to make them with your own hands.

Often sleeping place in the living room is hidden behind the fabric curtains. It can be hidden behind them permanently or curtains can be expanded if necessary. Curtains themselves can also be fixed at different heights and be incomplete. Fabric curtains can have drape or remain smooth. Do not know how to combine the living room and the bedroom without the global costs? Try to fence off the sleeper around the perimeter. Look how much it has become solitary and comfortable.

how to combine living room and bedroom

the bed is hidden behind a textile screen


"How to combine and at the same time to divide the living room and bedroom, will prompt a bed with a headboard, veiled under the shelving"

Furniture is also a good helper in the zoning of space. With her help, it will be possible to distinguish a large room from the sleeping corner and the place of the guests' prima. For this purpose, end-to-end racks and open shelves are very good. These items demarcate space without making it heavier. The wardrobe and the elements of cabinet furniture can also be used in this context. If a sofa is chosen for the role of a sleeping place, it can also be turned into a border zone. Turn it to the window, and behind it, place the cabinet with the TV and the table surrounded by chairs.

How to combine and at the same time to divide the living room and bedroom, will prompt a bed with a headboard, veiled under the shelving.

In small rooms it is necessary to use mobile furniture equipped with rollers or moving on guides. Each such object, having a sufficient height, can act as a partition, in parallel changing the room interior. Try in this capacity sliding cupboards or racks.

how to combine living room and bedroom

in this case a low bookshelf is used as a delimiter


If the room chosen for the living room is pleasing with the height of the ceilings, then the podium structure will help to allocate part of the room. It can be with "secret" or without it. In the latter case, its task is a strict allocation of a section. What to put on the podium: a table or sofa, it's up to you.

Style and color palette

How often to combine a drawing room and a bedroom help not capital rearrangements or bulky furniture subjects, and simple registration of zones in different stylistic decisions! The same method will help you to carry out multi-colored or multi-textured wallpaper. You can choose wallpaper with an identical pattern, however, printed on a different color basis or look for wallpaper-companions. You can concentrate on the difference of invoices or in general, decorate the walls in different ways, for example, a piece of wallpaper, and part paint.

how to combine living room and bedroom

allocation of a sleeping area with a podium

A game of shadows

The zones can be delimited by properly directed light streams. In the sleeping area you need a muffled light. He will be more suitable for relaxation. Several sources may exude it. There can appear there a floor lamp and wall lamps, but the living room is better illuminated by a large bulb of a hanging type, flooding the whole space with bright light. Lighting in such an unusual room can be not only tiered, but also differently specific. In which part of the room there will be natural light, and where the advantage will be given to the artificial light - not so fundamentally. Although, if you think about it, it becomes clear that good light is more important for the reception area, while the sleeping area requires more privacy. In any case, in the living room-bedroom, lamps of several types are needed. They need to be arranged so that they, lighting the living room area, do not violate the intimate comfort of the sleeping corner.

how to combine living room and bedroom

A glass matte partition separates the living room and bedroom space

Chandeliers and other types of ceiling lamps can not be called super suitable designs for a mixed interior. Better instead, use wall sconces, spotlights and floor lamps. Pleasant will be the rays from soft glowing RGB tapes, disguised in a multi-level ceiling structure, niches or fixed on screens and furniture. Undoubtedly, the functionality of the combined zones is completely different, but this is not the reason to make the interior scattered, so it would not be difficult to combine the living room and bedroom in a very limited space, the situation in a room of a complex nature should remain flawlessly harmonious. To do this, you need to maintain a uniform style in the decor. For a basis it is possible to take.

  1. Ethno.
  2. Minimalism.
  3. Classics.
  4. Romanticism.

Add to this a fraction of the imagination, and an unrivaled result will be your reward.

how to combine living room and bedroom

sleeper hidden behind a wooden screen

We decorate the living room-bedroom

Multifunctionality in the combined space should be manifested not only in the features of the decor of the room, but also in furniture that appears in it. Picking up models of chairs, beds or couch try to take those options, where there are boxes or places for storing things that are necessary in everyday life.

Since the main task in creating an interior of such a room with the maximum benefit and to fully use its modest area, you will have to move away from the number of objects and focus on their quality. We abstract from the massive tables, cabinets, armchairs, spreading sofas and give the green light of elegant ease to objects, like folding chairs, tables and other things that simply transform into planes and which are not difficult to hide. If you did come up with such a scheme, where you need cabinets or racks, then let their design be narrow and high. Do not let the verticals fall!

how to combine living room and bedroom

smart furniture: a bed that folds into a niche - an excellent solution for studio apartments

Since there is no place to turn around, we will have to sacrifice one of the approaches to the bed. Speech will not go and about the bedside tables. It is better to replace them with a high headboard or hinged shelves.

And further. Look at the transformer bed, it's in solving the problem of how to combine a living room and a bedroom - a real find! In the daytime, it turns into a part of the wall cabinet, rising vertically and releasing precious meters.

Photo gallery - how to combine a drawing room and a bedroom:

Author: Daria Degtyareva

Bedroom Living Room In One



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